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Some of the mock advertising and branding projects I've created that showcase a range of my abilities. From the conceptually "simple" to the digital.


Assigned to create a loud advertisement. Created to catch your attention and leave you wanting to see and learn more. For the creatives yearning for something different to please their eyes and to refresh their wardrobe.

Grafea Ad
Grafea Instagram Mockup

Smithsonian Gardens

An Illustrative Ad created for the "Orchids: Hidden Stories of Groundbreaking Women" installation that was held at the Smithsonian Gardens in 2022. By utilizing illustrative flowers and images from the official website, this interesting and thought-provoking ad was born. Designed to reach the younger creatives wanting to learn more.

Smithsonian Gardens Ad
Smithsonian Gardens Print Ad for their Hidden Women installation

Annie's Macaroni & Cheese

Relatable, real life situations to correlate to the realness of the brand and their ingredients. Marketed towards the working younger generation's humor and way of navigating their jobs.

Annie's Macaroni & Cheese Ad
Annie's Macaroni & Cheese Airport Mockup


To provide something new that most people may not have thought of. I created a Nutrition based section on Buzzfeed's Tasty app. Find the recipe you want and add all necessary ingredients to your cart all through the app, shopping provided by Walmart.

Tasty x Walmart flyer collaboration


An Ad created to appeal to the nostalgia of younger Millennials and Gen Z. Reaching towards the inner children of working adults.

Capri-Sun Nostalgia Ad
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